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17 Answers
5 Questions
  1. We aren’t, and we don’t. You are misinformed. In Britain, the word ‘biscuit’ means a hard baked cookie, like a graham cracker. Since this is the normal use of this word in the UK, we don’t automatically think of the plain scone-type baked goods for which Americans use the word ‘biscuit’. US EnglishRead more

    We aren’t, and we don’t. You are misinformed.

    In Britain, the word ‘biscuit’ means a hard baked cookie, like a graham cracker. Since this is the normal use of this word in the UK, we don’t automatically think of the plain scone-type baked goods for which Americans use the word ‘biscuit’. US English is a different dialect of English, and there are many words which have different meanings from U.K. English (jumper, braces, suspenders, tap etc.)

    What on earth makes you think we call bread rolls ‘puddings’? In the U.K., pudding is any dessert, not just the blancmange-stuff which Americans use that word for. It is correct in the U.K. to say “I’m having apple pie for pudding.”.

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  2. Al adquirir una propiedad adquieres derechos y obligaciones, las fallas en la tubería de drenaje son muy comunes en departamentos en condominio, de antemano sabemos que es difícil prever daños ocultos, pero si estos surgen o ya existían antes de adquirir la propiedad los daños que ocasionen a tercerRead more

    Al adquirir una propiedad adquieres derechos y obligaciones, las fallas en la tubería de drenaje son muy comunes en departamentos en condominio, de antemano sabemos que es difícil prever daños ocultos, pero si estos surgen o ya existían antes de adquirir la propiedad los daños que ocasionen a terceros son 100% responsabilidad del dueño del departamento que los ocasiona, aquí el detalle es que tendrías que reparar primeramente el daño en tu tubería para que no siga ocasionando daños a departamentos inferiores y posteriormente reparar los daños ya ocasionados, en este caso un seguro de vivienda ya no te serviría, pero te recomiendo compres un seguro para casos futuros, normalmente dichos seguros contemplan la responsabilidad civil familiar en departamentos en condominio los cuales contemplan daños a terceros como los que estas enfrentando

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  3. Yes, I understand it. I hear a lot of this incorrect grammar from my wife. I would expect that the person that spoke this was possibly Chinese. In Chinese there are no tenses or plurals. No he or she pronouns. The context tells all. So it might have been a direct translation from Chinese.

    Yes, I understand it. I hear a lot of this incorrect grammar from my wife. I would expect that the person that spoke this was possibly Chinese. In Chinese there are no tenses or plurals. No he or she pronouns. The context tells all. So it might have been a direct translation from Chinese.

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  4. While we do say this literally sometimes in English, we have a more common idiom that many people would probably think of first, if they weren’t translating. You have to crawl before you can walk. At least in American English, this idiom is very popular.

    While we do say this literally sometimes in English, we have a more common idiom that many people would probably think of first, if they weren’t translating.

    You have to crawl before you can walk.

    At least in American English, this idiom is very popular.

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